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Terms and Conditions

Disruptive reserves the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, changes to the information contained on its website or to its configuration and presentation.

The Disruptive website has the sole purpose of providing the public with information regarding the activities carried out by it.

Access to the Disruptive website and any use of the information contained therein is the sole responsibility of the person who performs them. Disruptive will not be liable for the possible consequences, damages or losses that may arise from said access or use of information.

Disruptive does not guarantee that the information, text, graphics, links or the content of all the articles included in its website are exact or complete, nor does it commit to updating the information contained therein.

Any reference on the Disruptive Web to any product, service, process, hypertext link, or any other information that refers to the trade name and trademarks of manufacturers, suppliers and third parties in general does not necessarily constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship, or recommendation by Disruptive.

Intellectual Property Rights

The intellectual property rights and any other rights over the material contained in this Website belong to Disruptive, which are governed by the Argentine regulations in force at the time of its inclusion in this Website. Visitors may use copies of the documents and information contained on this website for exclusively private and domestic purposes and under the express authorization of Disruptive. Any reproduction and use of copies for other purposes is expressly prohibited.

All the names, trademarks and logos of the services that appear on this website are the property of Disruptive, and may not be used without the prior and express authorization of Disruptive.

The visitor of this Website who provides any type of information to Disruptive through the Website, whether data, suggestions, ideas, concepts, comments, questions or answers, accepts that said information is not confidential and that therefore Disruptive has unlimited rights to use or not use, distribute or not distribute, reproduce or not reproduce, and disclose or not disclose said information in the form and manner that Disruptive may deem appropriate, without giving rise to any right to indemnity or compensation or acknowledgment of its source.

Links to other websites

In no case will Disruptive be responsible for the contents included in other websites owned by third parties that may be connected by hypertext link to the Disruptive website as an extension of the information services provided to visiting users, and about which Disruptive has no editorial control.